- 텔레그램 테마 : 텔레그램 메신저도 이제 사용자가 마음껏 원하는 색상, 모양으로 겉모습을 변경할 수 있게되었습니다. "설정-테마" 메뉴로 들어가면, 메신저의 세세한 부분까지 변경할 수 있게 되었습니다.
- 아래의 테마들은 지금까지 텔레그램 사용자들이 제작한 테마들입니다. 샘플 그림과 함께 원하는 테마를 추가하여 사용하시면 됩니다.
- Telegram Themes : Telegram Messenger now also allows users to change their appearance to any color or shape they desire. When you go into the "Settings - Themes" menu, you can change the details of Messenger.
- The following themes have been created by telegram users. You can add your favorite theme with sample picture.
- 텔레그램 데스크탑용 테마 소개글도 따로 있으니 참고하시기 바랍니다.
- There is also a theme introduction for Telegram Desktop.
- Dark theme
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/4
- Starry Night Sky
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/6
- Simple Mint
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/8
- Ultraviolet
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/10
- Red Theme
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/14
- BlackSakura
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/18
- Anime PAGHM
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/26
- AzureDawn
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/29
- BlueViolet
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/31
- DarkGrey Red Accent
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/34
- Ice Cream Cake
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/40
- Blue Shades
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/42
- Green Dark
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/44
- Pastel Rose
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/48
- Cute Bunny
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/50
- LightsOff Blue
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/52
- Pitch Black
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/54
- Gudetama
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/58
- Purple Spaceman
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/60
- SolidDarkGreen
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/62
- Dandelion
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/68
- Carbon Light
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/73
- Alto's Odyssey
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/75
- Cyan Theme
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/79
- JW Inspired
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/81
- DarkAmberDroid
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/87
- Glass Brasil
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/91
- Cookie Cat
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/93
- Little Fish
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/95
- iMessage
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/102
- Toxic Green
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/107
- YoualiAzul
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/111
- Darker Rose
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/113
- Cyan2Core
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/115
- Dark Accend+ v7
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/117
- Kung Fury
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/119
- Green Scale
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/121
- SimpleGrey
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/123
- Kindered
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/125
- Lana Del Rey
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/129
- Purple Island
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/132
- Concrete Dogwood
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/141
- Green Lightened
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/143
- Lone4Subs Scifi
- https://t.me/AndroidThemes/147
- 텔레그램 테마 채팅방에 들어오시면 새로운 테마를 보실 수 있습니다. (@AndroidThemes)
- Check out the @AndroidThemes and Desktop Themes channels for more new themes made by Telegram users.
업데이트 된 글 보기 (For more information, visit main hompage) : http://gturl.iptime.org
접속 안될 때 (When you can't access to main homepage) : http://burst-watermelon.blogspot.com
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