- 상위 Top 10 직업군은 아래와 같으며, 주요 배점은 연봉(30%),취업률(20%),성장률(15%),증가율(15%),스트레스 지수(5%) 등 입니다.
1위 치과의사 152,700불
2위 NP(전문 간호사) 98,190불
3위 PA(전문 간호사) 98,180불
4위 통계학자 80,110불
5위 치과교정전문의 187,200불
6위 NA(마취전문간호사) 157,140불
7위 소아과전문의 170,300불
8위 컴퓨터시스템분석가 85,800불
9위 산부인과전문의 187,200불
9위 구강외과전문의 187,200불
- The overall score is calculated from seven component measures, and for each measure, jobs receive a score between 0 and 10. Here are the component measures and their weights in computing the overall score:
- Median Salary (30 percent)
- Employment Rate (20 percent)
- 10-Year Growth Volume (15 percent)
- 10-Year Growth Percentage (15 percent)
- Job Prospects (10 percent)
- Stress Level (5 percent)
- Work-Life Balance (5 percent)
#1 in The 100 Best Jobs
From filling cavities to whitening teeth, dentists primarily examine and treat issues involving the mouth, gums and teeth. The BLS predicts 23,300 job openings from 2014 to 2024, which is an increase of 18 percent.
23,300 Projected Jobs
$152,700 Median Salary
0.1% Unemployment Rate
Nurse Practitioner
#2 in The 100 Best Jobs
Nurse practitioners perform a lot of the same duties as physicians; they perform physical exams, order lab tests and analyze results, prescribe medicines and authorize treatments. These professionals usually have a specialty, such as adult and geriatric health, pediatric health or mental health. The BLS expects high job growth – a 35 percent increase or 44,700 new jobs – in this field between 2014 and 2024.
44,700 Projected Jobs
$98,190 Median Salary
0.7% Unemployment Rate
Physician Assistant
#3 in The 100 Best Jobs
Physician assistants work under doctors to care for the sick or injured by interpreting tests and conducting exams. With heightened demand for health care, growth in this field will continue at a high rate of 30 percent by 2024, which equates to 28,700 new jobs.
28,700 Projected Jobs
$98,180 Median Salary
0.6% Unemployment Rate
#4 in The 100 Best Jobs
Statistics is the science of using data to make decisions. This is relevant in almost all fields of work and the opportunities for employment have never been higher. The BLS predicts this field will grow at a very high rate of 34 percent, with 10,100 new jobs by 2024.
10,100 Projected Jobs
$80,110 Median Salary
0.8% Unemployment Rate
#5 in The 100 Best Jobs
Picture-perfect teeth often start with an orthodontist. Orthodontists focus primarily on the teeth and jaw, including realignment and preserving normal function and appearance. By 2024, the BLS predicts the job will grow by 18 percent.
1,500 Projected Jobs
$187,200 Median Salary
0.1% Unemployment Rate
Nurse Anesthetist
#6 in The 100 Best Jobs
As a type of advanced practice registered nurse, nurse anesthetists work with patients regarding anesthetic treatment before, during and after surgery, as well as with therapy or other medical procedures that use anesthesia. The BLS predicts that the profession will grow 19 percent from 2014 to 2024.
7,400 Projected Jobs
$157,140 Median Salary
0.7% Unemployment Rate
#7 in The 100 Best Jobs
The doctors who sent you on your way with a lollipop and sticker when you were younger were likely pediatricians, doctors who diagnose and treat medical issues specific to infants, children, teenagers and young adults. Pediatrician responsibilities typically include treating common illnesses, minor injuries and infectious diseases, as well as administering vaccinations. The field is expected to grow 10 percent from 2014 to 2024, according to the BLS.
3,600 Projected Jobs
$170,300 Median Salary
0.6% Unemployment Rate
Computer Systems Analyst
#8 in The 100 Best Jobs
Computer systems analysts must have a diverse skill set. The position requires information technology and business knowledge. These analysts custom design computer systems and processes for clients. From 2014 to 2024, the BLS predicts 118,600 job openings in the field.
118,600 Projected Jobs
$85,800 Median Salary
2.4% Unemployment Rate
Obstetrician and Gynecologist
#9 in The 100 Best Jobs
Whether you’re going in for a routine checkup or delivering your first child, obstetricians and gynecologists can provide a variety of care related to childbirth and female reproductive health. From 2014 to 2024, the field is expected to grow by 18 percent, the BLS reports.
4,300 Projected Jobs
$187,200 Median Salary
0.6% Unemployment Rate
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
#9 in The 100 Best Jobs
From repairing cleft lips and palates to taking care of impacted teeth, oral and maxillofacial surgeons operate specifically on the mouth, jaws, teeth, gums, neck and head. According to the BLS, the profession is projected to grow 18 percent by 2024.
1,200 Projected Jobs
$187,200 Median Salary
0.6% Unemployment Rate
#11 in The 100 Best Jobs
You probably wouldn’t be sporting those new glasses or contact lenses without a prescription from an optometrist. Prescriptions for eyewear or eye-related medications typically start with vision tests and a specific diagnosis from an optometrist. These medical professionals also provide treatments for eye diseases, preoperative and postoperative care and referrals to other health care providers. The BLS says the field is expected to grow 27 percent by 2024.
11,000 Projected Jobs
$103,900 Median Salary
1.6% Unemployment Rate
Occupational Therapy Assistant
#12 in The 100 Best Jobs
Occupational therapists rely on occupational therapy assistants to help patients with therapeutic activities and exercises, teach patients to use special equipment and record patients’ progress in their treatment. The BLS expects a huge increase in this profession of 43 percent by 2024, which translates to about 14,000 new jobs.
14,100 Projected Jobs
$57,870 Median Salary
0.6% Unemployment Rate
Software Developer
#13 in The 100 Best Jobs
Software developers need to be innovative, creative and, of course, technical in order to succeed in this field. They might write new code or fix bugs in code to make it work better. The BLS predicts 19 percent employment growth with more than 135,000 new jobs opening up by 2024.
135,300 Projected Jobs
$98,260 Median Salary
2.0% Unemployment Rate
#14 in The 100 Best Jobs
Surgeons treat patients’ injuries, diseases and deformities through operations that repair or prevent a medical problem. Surgeons can perform general surgery or specialize in areas including orthopedic, neurological, cardiovascular and plastic or reconstructive surgery. The profession is expected to grow 20 percent from 2014 to 2024, the BLS reports.
9,100 Projected Jobs
$187,200 Median Salary
0.6% Unemployment Rate
Nurse Midwife
#15 in The 100 Best Jobs
From assistance during childbirth to reproductive care, nurse midwives provide a variety of gynecological and family planning services. Nurse midwives can serve as primary care providers for women and infants as well. These advanced practice registered nurses are in demand, with the BLS projecting that the job will grow 25 percent from 2014 to 2024.
1,300 Projected Jobs
$92,510 Median Salary
0.7% Unemployment Rate
Physical Therapist
#16 in The 100 Best Jobs
The role of a physical therapist is to help patients manage and treat injuries or long-term illnesses by examining them and developing a plan that helps them increase mobility and lessen pain. The BLS projects a high growth rate of 34 percent by 2024.
71,800 Projected Jobs
$84,020 Median Salary
1.1% Unemployment Rate
#17 in The 100 Best Jobs
If you’ve been on an operating table, you can likely thank your anesthesiologist for managing your pain and monitoring your vital signs. These health care professionals administer drugs before, during and after surgery, as well as in the intensive care unit, during childbirth and for chronic pain patients. The BLS predicts the field will grow by 21 percent from 2014 to 2024.
7,100 Projected Jobs
$187,200 Median Salary
1.7% Unemployment Rate
#17 in The 100 Best Jobs
Physicians provide preventative care but also treat and diagnose a range of illnesses in their patients. Schooling and competition is intense for all types of doctors but the payoff is high. Physician consistently ranks among the highest-paying jobs. The BLS predicts a 9 percent growth rate through 2024.
5,100 Projected Jobs
$187,200 Median Salary
0.6% Unemployment Rate
#17 in The 100 Best Jobs
Performing evaluations far beyond the “How does that make you feel?” question asked in movies, psychiatrists are primary mental health physicians who diagnose and treat mental illnesses. Psychiatrists’ methods include personal counseling, hospitalization and medication. According to the BLS, the profession is expected to grow 15 percent from 2014 to 2024.
4,200 Projected Jobs
$187,200 Median Salary
1.2% Unemployment Rate
#20 in The 100 Best Jobs
Mathematicians may have careers as varied as mathematics itself, working everywhere from classrooms to government buildings. While some mathematicians work primarily with theory, others use theory to solve everyday problems. According to the BLS, the profession is projected to grow 21 percent by 2024.
700 Projected Jobs
$111,110 Median Salary
0.8% Unemployment Rate
#21 in The 100 Best Jobs
Prosthodontists are essentially responsible for repairing and restoring people’s smiles. These dental professionals improve and replace teeth. The BLS predicts that the job will grow by 18 percent, opening 100 new jobs from 2014 to 2024.
100 Projected Jobs
$119,740 Median Salary
0.1% Unemployment Rate
Registered Nurse
#22 in The 100 Best Jobs
A registered nurse has a wide range of responsibilities, from giving medicine to performing medical procedures. A high growth rate of 16 percent by 2024, with 439,300 new jobs, continue to make RN’s one of the best jobs.
439,300 Projected Jobs
$67,490 Median Salary
1.5% Unemployment Rate
Occupational Therapist
#23 in The 100 Best Jobs
Occupational therapists assist those who are sick, injured or disabled with day-to-day activities, such as showing someone how to use a wheelchair, or helping someone who had a stroke relearn how to cook, clean or get dressed. These professionals might also work with kids in educational settings, people with mental illnesses or someone who was involved in a bad car accident. The BLS predicts that, between 2014 and 2024, this field will experience a 27 percent growth in employment, or 30,400 new jobs.
30,400 Projected Jobs
$80,150 Median Salary
1.3% Unemployment Rate
Diagnostic Medical Sonographer
#24 in The 100 Best Jobs
While people often associate sonograms with babies, diagnostic medical sonographers also create images of organs and tissues to help diagnose medical conditions. The BLS projects employment to grow about 26 percent by 2024.
16,000 Projected Jobs
$68,970 Median Salary
0.4% Unemployment Rate
#25 in The 100 Best Jobs
If a medical professional is treating or operating on your feet, ankles or lower legs, they most likely are a podiatrist. A podiatrist’s responsibilities include assessing the patient’s lower extremities, diagnosing problems, performing surgeries and prescribing medications. According to the BLS, the job is expected to grow 14 percent from 2014 to 2024.
1,400 Projected Jobs
$119,340 Median Salary
1.7% Unemployment Rate
Financial Advisor
#26 in The 100 Best Jobs
Financial advisors counsel clients on their finances. Their responsibilities include creating budgets and retirement plans, providing investing advice and even investing on behalf of a client. Business is booming for financial advisors, as the BLS projects 73,900 new jobs will open from 2014 to 2024, which is an increase of 30 percent.
73,900 Projected Jobs
$89,160 Median Salary
2.0% Unemployment Rate
#27 in The 100 Best Jobs
Some take risks, others calculate them. Actuaries are experts in uncertainty, using mathematics, statistics and financial theory to measure, manage and mitigate financial risk. The BLS predicts the field will grow by about 18 percent from 2014 to 2024.
4,400 Projected Jobs
$97,070 Median Salary
0.8% Unemployment Rate
Speech-Language Pathologist
#28 in The 100 Best Jobs
Those in this profession work to diagnose and treat a variety of speech and language difficulties and can work in a number of settings. Job prospects are great for speech language pathologists, with 28,900 new jobs opening by 2024.
28,900 Projected Jobs
$73,410 Median Salary
1.8% Unemployment Rate
IT Manager
#29 in The 100 Best Jobs
Our increasingly digital workplace demands more IT managers, who coordinate computer-related activities for an organization. Duties include analyzing and recommending computer needs, installing and maintaining computer hardware and software, securing an office’s network and electronic documents and searching for new technologies and upgrade opportunities. The BLS expects employment to grow 15 percent from 2014 to 2024.
53,700 Projected Jobs
$131,600 Median Salary
1.9% Unemployment Rate
#30 in The 100 Best Jobs
Psychologists study our behavior and how our brains function, and can help patients work through emotional, behavioral and psychological issues, as well as diagnose disorders. The BLS expects new jobs to open up in the field of psychology from 2014 to 2024 at a rate of 19 percent, which is faster than the average for all jobs.
32,500 Projected Jobs
$94,590 Median Salary
1.2% Unemployment Rate
Web Developer
#31 in The 100 Best Jobs
Web developers create everything you see on your favorite websites, from the special effects to the search functionality. This is also one of the fastest-growing jobs for 2016, and it oftentimes requires only an associate degree if you have the desire to code. The Labor Department predicts a 27 percent employment growth by 2024.
39,500 Projected Jobs
$64,970 Median Salary
3.6% Unemployment Rate
Dental Hygienist
#32 in The 100 Best Jobs
Dental hygienists typically work alongside dentists, cleaning a patient’s teeth, taking X-rays and applying fluoride. The BLS predicts 37,400 new job openings in the field from 2014 to 2024.
37,400 Projected Jobs
$72,330 Median Salary
1.2% Unemployment Rate
Operations Research Analyst
#33 in The 100 Best Jobs
From data mining to mathematical modeling, operations research analysts use advanced techniques to help businesses run in a more efficient and cost-effective manner. The BLS predicts employment to grow about 30 percent from 2014 to 2024, which translates to 27,600 new jobs.
27,600 Projected Jobs
$78,630 Median Salary
2.6% Unemployment Rate
Environmental Engineer
#34 in The 100 Best Jobs
Environmental engineers combine knowledge of engineering, soil science, biology and chemistry to solve environmental problems. A huge part of the job is working to improve recycling, waste disposal, public health, water and air pollution control. Employment will grow about 12 percent between 2014 and 2024, according to the BLS.
6,800 Projected Jobs
$84,560 Median Salary
0.8% Unemployment Rate
Computer Network Architect
#35 in The 100 Best Jobs
If you've ever saved something to the cloud, then you've depended on the handiwork of a computer network architect. These professionals design, build and maintain a variety of data communication networks, from expansive cloud infrastructures to smaller intranets. According to the BLS, the computer network architecture profession is growing at a rate of 9 percent from 2014 to 2024, which should result in 12,700 new jobs.
12,700 Projected Jobs
$100,240 Median Salary
0.6% Unemployment Rate
Respiratory Therapist
#36 in The 100 Best Jobs
This occupation requires only an associate degree for entry and can be both challenging and gratifying. Respiratory therapists examine and treat those who have breathing disorders or respiratory diseases. The BLS predicts a promising outlook for respiratory therapists, with 12 percent job growth by 2024.
14,900 Projected Jobs
$57,790 Median Salary
0.6% Unemployment Rate
Mechanical Engineer
#37 in The 100 Best Jobs
Someone with a mechanical engineering degree has many job options for his or her career path. The skills of a mechanical engineer are needed in many industries and on many types of projects, from vehicle manufacturing to nanotechnology. Mechanical engineers are involved in the production of mechanical instruments and tools from start to finish, and their work includes aspects of design, development and testing. The BLS predicts a 5 percent growth in this job field by 2024, which translates to about 14,600 new jobs.
14,600 Projected Jobs
$83,590 Median Salary
1.6% Unemployment Rate
Physical Therapist Assistant
#38 in The 100 Best Jobs
Helping patients with their physical therapy plans is the main task of physical therapist assistants. They work to fix damages on their patients from various injuries. There are plenty of great job opportunities in this field, with approximately 31,900 new jobs opening by 2024, according to the BLS.
31,900 Projected Jobs
$55,170 Median Salary
4.0% Unemployment Rate
#39 in The 100 Best Jobs
Show accountants the money – these financial experts are trained to help you handle it. Accountants prepare taxes, perform audits and offer consulting. According to the BLS,142,400 more jobs will open in the field from 2014 to 2024.
142,400 Projected Jobs
$67,190 Median Salary
2.5% Unemployment Rate
Medical and Health Services Manager
#40 in The 100 Best Jobs
Health care systems are like well-oiled machines, and it’s the job of medical and health services managers to keep all the parts running. These professionals might hire staff members, manage budgets, create goals for a department and increase the efficiency of health services, as well as manage a practice for a group of doctors, manage a medical facility or manage a department. According to the BLS, 56,300 new positions will open in this field by 2024, which is a 17 percent increase.
56,300 Projected Jobs
$94,500 Median Salary
1.2% Unemployment Rate
Database Administrator
#41 in The 100 Best Jobs
While the pronunciation of the word “data” always seems to be up for debate, the importance of protecting said data is not. Database administrators set up databases according to a company’s requirements, in addition to maintaining its operations and implementing the appropriate security measures. According to the BLS, 13,400 new database administrator positions will open from 2014 to 2024.
13,400 Projected Jobs
$81,710 Median Salary
1.0% Unemployment Rate
Massage Therapist
#42 in The 100 Best Jobs
Nothing is as relaxing as a good massage. But massage therapists aren’t just responsible for helping people luxuriate or relieve stress. They also provide relief from painful medical conditions, heal injuries and improve circulation. The BLS expects 36,500 new positions for massage therapists will open between 2014 and 2024, which is an increase of 22 percent – much higher than the average outlook for all jobs.
36,500 Projected Jobs
$38,040 Median Salary
2.0% Unemployment Rate
Occupational Therapy Aide
#43 in The 100 Best Jobs
Occupational therapy aides provide essential support for occupational therapists, who use treatments to help ill, hurt or disabled people perform everyday activities. Occupational therapy aide responsibilities include prepping and cleaning treatment areas and equipment, transporting patients, helping patients with billing and insurance documents and scheduling appointments. The BLS predicts that the job will grow 31 percent from 2014 to 2024.
2,700 Projected Jobs
$27,800 Median Salary
0.6% Unemployment Rate
#44 in The 100 Best Jobs
From temporary back injuries to pain caused by chronic illness, chiropractors are trained to treat the musculoskeletal system without drugs or surgery. With the health care community increasingly embracing chiropractic as a form of care, employment is expected to grow by 17 percent by 2024.
7,900 Projected Jobs
$64,440 Median Salary
0.8% Unemployment Rate
#45 in The 100 Best Jobs
A modern road trip may not include nearly as many paper maps as it used to, but cartographers, who are map artists in a sense, are still in demand as online maps and technologies continue to change and develop. Employment is set to grow by 29 percent from 2014 to 2024, according to the BLS.
3,600 Projected Jobs
$61,880 Median Salary
3.6% Unemployment Rate
Orthotist and Prosthetist
#46 in The 100 Best Jobs
Orthotists and prosthetists are the designers behind artificial limbs, including arms, hands, legs and feet, as well as body braces and other medical and surgical devices. Also known as O&P professionals, they work directly with patients in order to design and fit the devices, and instruct them on use. The BLS predicts that the profession will grow 23 percent from 2014 to 2024.
1,900 Projected Jobs
$64,430 Median Salary
1.7% Unemployment Rate
School Psychologist
#47 in The 100 Best Jobs
School psychologists can bear a heavy load, assisting students who might be struggling academically or emotionally. You must hold a master’s degree and love helping others, and many in this field find the work rewarding. The BLS predicts 30,500 new job openings by 2024.
30,500 Projected Jobs
$70,580 Median Salary
1.2% Unemployment Rate
Financial Manager
#48 in The 100 Best Jobs
If financial managers were doctors, the financial success of their organization would be a testimony to their treatment. These business professionals create financial reports, coordinate investment activity and develop long-term financial strategies for companies. The BLS predicts employment for financial managers will grow 7 percent from 2014 to 2024.
37,700 Projected Jobs
$117,990 Median Salary
2.0% Unemployment Rate
#49 in The 100 Best Jobs
Pharmacists are becoming more critical to the health care system, supporting doctors and patients by filling prescriptions, dispensing appropriate amounts of medicine and making sure medicines interact safely. The BLS predicts a slower than average 3 percent growth rate through 2024.
9,100 Projected Jobs
$121,500 Median Salary
1.7% Unemployment Rate
Cardiovascular Technologist
#50 in The 100 Best Jobs
When a patient shows symptoms like chest pain or irregular heartbeats, cardiovascular technologists take X-ray images in order to show what is happening in the patient’s blood vessels, arteries and heart. Physicians then diagnose and treat the issue. The BLS anticipates employment for cardiovascular technologists to grow about 22 percent from 2014 to 2024.
11,500 Projected Jobs
$54,880 Median Salary
1.4% Unemployment Rate
Marriage and Family Therapist
#51 in The 100 Best Jobs
Many people can develop problems relating to their spouse, partner, children or other family members. When these issues occur, marriage and family therapists can often be a source of support and conflict resolution. The BLS predicts jobs in this field will increase 15 percent by 2024.
5,000 Projected Jobs
$48,600 Median Salary
0.6% Unemployment Rate
Information Security Analyst
#52 in The 100 Best Jobs
As concern about cybersecurity grows, so does the demand for information security analysts. The BLS predicts employment to grow 18 percent between 2014 and 2024. It is the duty of these professionals to prepare and carry out security measures that protect a company’s computer networks and systems.
14,800 Projected Jobs
$90,120 Median Salary
3.9% Unemployment Rate
Business Operations Manager
#53 in The 100 Best Jobs
Business operations managers are a business’s go-to person. These managers assist companies of all sizes with hiring, negotiating contacts, budgeting and strategic decision-making regarding consumer purchases. The BLS predicts 151,100 new business operations manager jobs opening from 2014 to 2024.
151,100 Projected Jobs
$97,730 Median Salary
3.9% Unemployment Rate
#54 in The 100 Best Jobs
After seeing an optometrist or ophthalmologist for an eye appointment, patients might also end up seeing an optician. Opticians help patients choose and fit glasses and contact lenses. The increased demand for eye care services will result in a 24 percent growth in employment by 2024, which will result in 17,800 new jobs.
17,800 Projected Jobs
$34,840 Median Salary
1.6% Unemployment Rate
Industrial Psychologist
#55 in The 100 Best Jobs
Industrial psychologists aim to find solutions for organizations after evaluating the problems the organization faces. These professionals typically run their own small businesses and work for consulting firms, corporations, hospitals and the government. The BLS predicts employment to grow about 19 percent by 2024.
400 Projected Jobs
$77,350 Median Salary
1.2% Unemployment Rate
Radiation Therapist
#56 in The 100 Best Jobs
Radiation therapists tend to be closer to their patients than other general X-ray technologists. They follow their patients through the recovery process and provide accurate treatments in affected areas. The BLS predicts 2,300 new jobs to open by 2024 because the profession is relatively small.
2,300 Projected Jobs
$80,220 Median Salary
1.7% Unemployment Rate
Hearing Aid Specialist
#57 in The 100 Best Jobs
Hearing aid specialists are involved with the major aspects of hearing aid selection and fitting. These specialists design and modify ear molds, select and fit hearing aids and conduct and interpret hearing tests. The BLS predicts employment to grow about 27 percent from 2014 to 2024.
1,600 Projected Jobs
$49,600 Median Salary
1.4% Unemployment Rate
Civil Engineer
#58 in The 100 Best Jobs
From the street in front of your home to the Golden Gate Bridge, civil engineers are responsible for the design and maintenance of public works and facilities. Civil engineers are involved from start to finish in the process of constructing buildings, bridges and roads. The BLS predicts that 23,600 civil engineering jobs will open from 2014 to 2024.
23,600 Projected Jobs
$82,220 Median Salary
1.5% Unemployment Rate
Clinical Laboratory Technician
#59 in The 100 Best Jobs
While you may not meet a clinical laboratory technician at the hospital or doctor’s office, these medical professionals play a major role in your medical care. Physicians use the results of the tests and the analysis that clinical laboratory technicians conduct to diagnose patients. Job openings, according to the BLS, are expected to total 29,000 from 2014 to 2024.
29,000 Projected Jobs
$38,970 Median Salary
1.9% Unemployment Rate
Computer Support Specialist
#60 in The 100 Best Jobs
A computer support specialist’s job is a combination of customer service and troubleshooting. These specialists help computer owners and users troubleshoot and fix problems. The BLS projects 88,800 new jobs will open in the field from 2014 to 2024.
88,800 Projected Jobs
$62,250 Median Salary
3.7% Unemployment Rate
#61 in The 100 Best Jobs
While not all legal proceedings resemble a scene from “Law & Order,” law is still an exciting profession. Lawyers both advise and represent clients in settings ranging from courts to government agency buildings. Lawyers also research and analyze legal issues; interpret laws, rulings and regulations; and present facts and argue on behalf of clients. The BLS anticipates 43,800 new jobs in the field from 2014 to 2024.
43,800 Projected Jobs
$115,820 Median Salary
1.1% Unemployment Rate
Clinical Social Worker
#62 in The 100 Best Jobs
Clinical social workers work with patients to diagnose and treat mental, behavioral and emotional disorders through individual, group and couples therapy. From 2014 to 2024, the BLS predicts employment to grow 12 percent.
30,900 Projected Jobs
$52,380 Median Salary
2.1% Unemployment Rate
Home Health Aide
#63 in The 100 Best Jobs
Home health aides are trained to assist individuals with diabetes, chronic illness or cognitive impairment with the daily activities many people take for granted. The demand for home health aides is high, with the BLS forecasting a 38 percent increase in employment from 2014 to 2024, which equates to more than 348,000 new jobs.
348,400 Projected Jobs
$21,920 Median Salary
6.4% Unemployment Rate
Interpreter and Translator
#64 in The 100 Best Jobs
The globalization and diversification of both the U.S. population and trade has increased the demand for interpreters and translators. The BLS projects a 29 percent increase in employment from by 2024. Interpreters use spoken language, as well as hand gestures in the case of American Sign Language interpreters, while translators work by hand and computer.
17,500 Projected Jobs
$44,190 Median Salary
4.0% Unemployment Rate
Wind Turbine Technician
#65 in The 100 Best Jobs
Generating electricity through wind turbines is becoming more prevalent, and the BLS expects employment of these technicians to grow a whopping 108 percent by 2024. Wind turbine technicians typically learn the trade at a technical school, and they work outside repairing, maintaining and installing wind turbines.
4,800 Projected Jobs
$51,050 Median Salary
5.1% Unemployment Rate
Marketing Manager
#66 in The 100 Best Jobs
In the world of buying and selling, marketing managers are responsible for figuring out the price, so they can help organizations maximize their profits. They also make sure a company's customers are satisfied, estimate the demand for the company's products and services and determine possible markets for those products. According to the BLS, this job will experience a 9 percent increase in open positions between 2014 and 2024.
18,200 Projected Jobs
$128,750 Median Salary
2.8% Unemployment Rate
#67 in The 100 Best Jobs
As one of the five senses, hearing is important, and audiologists work to preserve it through their assessment of hearing and providing corresponding treatment. Employment is set to grow by 29 percent from 2014 to 2024, according to the BLS.
3,800 Projected Jobs
$74,890 Median Salary
2.8% Unemployment Rate
Medical Records Technician
#68 in The 100 Best Jobs
Medical records technicians are extremely detail-oriented professionals who use information from medical records to assign diagnosis and procedure codes. Their work is essential for patients’ reimbursement claims, research and tracking and monitoring disease patterns. The BLS predicts that from 2014 to 2024, employment in this field will grow 15 percent.
29,000 Projected Jobs
$37,110 Median Salary
2.4% Unemployment Rate
Management Analyst
#69 in The 100 Best Jobs
Time really is money. Management analysts work with companies to improve overall efficiency, proposing plans to increase profitability, reduce costs and increase revenue. The BLS anticipates employment to grow 14 percent from 2014 to 2024.
103,400 Projected Jobs
$81,320 Median Salary
3.2% Unemployment Rate
#70 in The 100 Best Jobs
An average day as a veterinarian might include performing surgeries or setting broken bones for animals. One must-have skill is communication. Vets routinely interact with animal owners and support staff. The BLS predicts this field to grow 9 percent by 2024.
6,900 Projected Jobs
$88,490 Median Salary
0.4% Unemployment Rate
Financial Analyst
#71 in The 100 Best Jobs
Buy? Sell? It’s a financial analyst’s job to recommend what clients should do with their investments, in addition to compiling reports that explain their investment analyses. The BLS predicts 32,300 new job openings from 2014 to 2024.
32,300 Projected Jobs
$80,310 Median Salary
2.1% Unemployment Rate
High School Teacher
#72 in The 100 Best Jobs
Life after high school graduation is impossible to predict, but it’s a high school teacher’s job to prepare students for just that. Larger class sizes and enrollment will affect the employment of high school teachers. The BLS forecasts a 6 percent increase in employment from 2014 to 2024.
55,900 Projected Jobs
$57,200 Median Salary
2.0% Unemployment Rate
Genetic Counselor
#73 in The 100 Best Jobs
Genetic counselors contribute to preventive care by assessing an individual’s or family’s risk for inherited conditions like cancer and birth defects. A genetic counselor’s duties range from analyzing genetic information to discussing testing options with patients to working with health care providers to determine patient treatment plans. The BLS predicts the job will grow 29 percent from 2014 to 2024.
700 Projected Jobs
$72,090 Median Salary
3.1% Unemployment Rate
Substance Abuse and Behavioral Disorder Counselor
#74 in The 100 Best Jobs
More people are seeking mental health counseling, causing the BLS to predict an above average rate of 22 percent growth in this profession by 2024. Counselors provide treatment for their patients while also possibly running outreach programs.
21,200 Projected Jobs
$39,980 Median Salary
2.8% Unemployment Rate
Physical Therapist Aide
#75 in The 100 Best Jobs
Physical therapist aides support physical therapists, professionals who assist injured or ill people with movement and pain. Aides set up treatment areas and therapy equipment, assist patients as they move to and from therapy areas and perform clerical duties. The BLS projects that the job will grow 39 percent from 2014 to 2024.
19,500 Projected Jobs
$25,120 Median Salary
4.0% Unemployment Rate
Market Research Analyst
#76 in The 100 Best Jobs
Knowing what customers want is essential in running a business, and market research analysts help companies do just that. Typical responsibilities include monitoring and forecasting marketing and sales trends, measuring the effectiveness of marketing programs and strategies, gathering and analyzing data and preparing and presenting reports to both clients and management. The BLS predicts employment to grow 19 percent from 2014 to 2024.
92,300 Projected Jobs
$62,150 Median Salary
3.1% Unemployment Rate
Medical Secretary
#77 in The 100 Best Jobs
Physicians and medical scientists need a lot of support to provide effective health care, and medical secretaries are responsible for a lot of the behind-the-scenes work. Not only do medical secretaries get reports and charts compiled and ready for physicians and transcribe notes, but they also work with patient billing, insurance and appointments. The BLS predicts a large increase of 21 percent, or 108,200 new positions, for medical secretaries between 2014 and 2024.
108,200 Projected Jobs
$33,040 Median Salary
3.8% Unemployment Rate
MRI Technologist
#78 in The 100 Best Jobs
Anyone who has ever spent time in the big tube in an MRI machine had a capable MRI technologist to ease them through the process. These professionals run the MRI scanner to obtain images of what's going on inside your body, and they might inject you with dyes to help the physician better see a potential problem . Employment in this field is expected to increase by 3,500 new positions, or 10 percent, by 2024.
3,500 Projected Jobs
$67,720 Median Salary
1.4% Unemployment Rate
Insurance Sales Agent
#79 in The 100 Best Jobs
Insurance sales agents are the go-to source for the different insurance policies that are available. These agents typically contact potential customers in order to sell various insurance types. The BLS predicts that 43,500 jobs will open from 2014 to 2024.
43,500 Projected Jobs
$48,200 Median Salary
2.3% Unemployment Rate
Cost Estimator
#80 in The 100 Best Jobs
From the cost of your cell phone to that of government programs, cost estimators analyze how much products and services should cost. Cost estimators also analyze the current cost of something, in addition to why a product or service costs more or less than previous estimates determined. The BLS predicts 18,700 new job openings from 2014 to 2024.
18,700 Projected Jobs
$60,390 Median Salary
1.7% Unemployment Rate
Medical Assistant
#81 in The 100 Best Jobs
During most medical exams, a physician or specialist isn’t the only person you’ll see. A medical assistant measures your vital signs, administers injections or medications and schedules appointments. These professionals also prepare blood samples for lab tests, record your patient history and enter your information in your medical records. Medical assistants will see a 23 percent increase in new jobs between 2014 and 2024, according to the BLS, which is much higher than the average for all jobs, and translates to 138,900 new positions.
138,900 Projected Jobs
$30,590 Median Salary
3.3% Unemployment Rate
Dietitian and Nutritionist
#82 in The 100 Best Jobs
Dietitians and nutritionists help clients with almost every aspect of their diet, assisting with food choice, meal plans, lifestyle and nutritional goals. The BLS predicts employment will grow about 16 percent between 2014 and 2024.
11,000 Projected Jobs
$57,910 Median Salary
3.5% Unemployment Rate
Petroleum Engineer
#83 in The 100 Best Jobs
Petroleum engineers design equipment that extracts oil from reservoirs, which are deep pockets of rock that contain oil and gas deposits. They spend a lot of time gathering and analyzing data to extract the oil in the safest and most cost-effective ways possible. From 2014 to 2024, the BLS expects the profession to grow at a rate of 10 percent, which should shake out to 3,400 new petroleum engineering jobs.
3,400 Projected Jobs
$129,990 Median Salary
4.0% Unemployment Rate
Loan Officer
#84 in The 100 Best Jobs
From car loans to mortgages to business loans, loans are an inevitable part of the daily lives of Americans. A loan officer is a major player in the loan application and approval process. These officers evaluate, authorize or recommend loan application approval for individuals and businesses. The BLS predicts an 8 percent growth in employment from 2014 to 2024.
24,500 Projected Jobs
$63,430 Median Salary
3.2% Unemployment Rate
Personal Care Aide
#85 in The 100 Best Jobs
Compassion is the top asset for those interested in being a personal care aide. These professionals assist people with physical and mental disabilities and chronic illness, and perform non-medical daily tasks. The BLS predicts 458,100 new positions will open by 2024.
458,100 Projected Jobs
$20,980 Median Salary
7.5% Unemployment Rate
Veterinary Technologist and Technician
#86 in The 100 Best Jobs
This job is not necessarily glamorous, but your commitment to animals is a must. Veterinary technologists and technicians might handle such responsibilities as lab work or surgery assistance. This job is predicted to grow at an above average rate of 19 percent by 2024, according to the BLS.
17,900 Projected Jobs
$31,800 Median Salary
1.8% Unemployment Rate
Maintenance and Repair Worker
#87 in The 100 Best Jobs
If it needs fixing, the resident maintenance and repair worker is likely the person to call. These workers maintain and repair machines, mechanical equipment, electrical switches and outlets in buildings. They are also responsible for ordering supplies and keeping detailed work records. The BLS expects a 6 percent growth in employment by 2024.
83,500 Projected Jobs
$36,630 Median Salary
4.2% Unemployment Rate
Nuclear Medicine Technologist
#88 in The 100 Best Jobs
Nuclear medicine technologists work with radioactive drugs and scanners that let surgeons and physicians see any irregularities in our organs or tissue, such as tumors. Doctors and surgeons can then diagnose or determine the progression of cancer, heart disease and other diseases and illnesses. These professionals are becoming more important among the aging population in the country, which is steadily growing. According to the BLS, 300 new jobs will open in the field between 2014 and 2024, which is an increase of 2 percent.
300 Projected Jobs
$73,360 Median Salary
1.4% Unemployment Rate
Construction Manager
#89 in The 100 Best Jobs
The boom in construction jobs is good news for construction managers, who can expect 17,800 new jobs from 2014 to 2024. Construction managers help plan projects, estimate cost, team-up with laborers during the production stage and more.
17,800 Projected Jobs
$87,400 Median Salary
2.5% Unemployment Rate
Patrol Officer
#90 in The 100 Best Jobs
A patrol officer’s duty is to protect and serve, whether it is in the community or filing reports in the office. The BLS projects a 5 percent growth in employment from 2014 to 2024.
34,200 Projected Jobs
$58,320 Median Salary
1.0% Unemployment Rate
Computer Systems Administrator
#91 in The 100 Best Jobs
Computer systems administrators perform duties ranging from identifying and fixing network issues to updating equipment and software. These administrators are in demand. From 2014 to 2024, the BLS projects that 30,200 jobs will be added to the field.
30,200 Projected Jobs
$77,810 Median Salary
3.1% Unemployment Rate
Radiologic Technologist
#92 in The 100 Best Jobs
Radiologic Technologists are on their feet much of the day, assisting radiologists by taking medical images and giving radiation therapy treatments. According to the BLS, this profession will see a 9 percent employment increase with more than 17,000 new positions by 2024.
17,200 Projected Jobs
$56,670 Median Salary
1.4% Unemployment Rate
Surgical Technologist
#93 in The 100 Best Jobs
A surgical technologist helps surgeons get the job done, sterilizing the operating room and tools before the operation, as well as assisting surgeons with the scalpel and suction during surgery. From 2014 to 2024, the BLS expects the field to grow by 15 percent.
14,700 Projected Jobs
$44,330 Median Salary
1.4% Unemployment Rate
Epidemiologist/Medical Scientist
#94 in The 100 Best Jobs
Epidemiologists work in hospitals, laboratories and universities to identify the causes of diseases and prevent said diseases from spreading and recurring. The BLS anticipates employment to grow about 6 percent by 2024.
400 Projected Jobs
$69,450 Median Salary
1.9% Unemployment Rate
#95 in The 100 Best Jobs
Biochemists can apply their training to a variety of jobs, from research on new medicines and treatments to working with genetically modified crops and livestock. From 2014 to 2024, the BLS projects that employment in the field will grow by 8 percent.
2,800 Projected Jobs
$82,150 Median Salary
2.1% Unemployment Rate
Child and Family Social Worker
#96 in The 100 Best Jobs
Child and family social workers are professionals who respond to reports of child abuse or poverty. The goal of the job is to improve children’s quality of life. The BLS predicts that 19,000 child and family social worker positions will open up from 2014 to 2024.
19,000 Projected Jobs
$42,350 Median Salary
2.1% Unemployment Rate
Mental Health Counselor
#97 in The 100 Best Jobs
Maintaining good mental health is just as important in day-to-day life as maintaining good physical health. Mental health counselors help people cope with and beat things like depression, stress and anxiety . Now that more insurance policies are covering mental health counseling, the BLS predicts employment in this profession will grow 20 percent between 2014 and 2024, which translates to about 26,400 new jobs.
26,400 Projected Jobs
$41,880 Median Salary
2.8% Unemployment Rate
#98 in The 100 Best Jobs
Paramedics are called to work like someone’s life depends on it and, often times, that is literally the case. It is a paramedic’s responsibility to respond quickly to emergency calls, perform medical services at the scene and transport patients to hospitals. The BLS predicts employment to grow 24 percent from 2014 to 2024.
58,500 Projected Jobs
$31,980 Median Salary
1.3% Unemployment Rate
Sales Manager
#99 in The 100 Best Jobs
Sales managers guide their teams by setting goals, training their staff and developing new strategies to achieve quotas. Many employers prefer a bachelor’s degree in business administration, however, one isn’t always needed. The BLS predicts this role to add 19,000 new jobs by 2024.
19,000 Projected Jobs
$113,860 Median Salary
2.8% Unemployment Rate
Dental Assistant
#100 in The 100 Best Jobs
As more Americans gain access to health care and are able to regularly see dentists, the demand for dental assistants will continue growing. The BLS predicts 58,600 new job openings from 2014 to 2024. Dental assistants prepare patients for treatments and teeth cleanings, sterilize instruments and assist dentists during procedures.
58,600 Projected Jobs
$35,980 Median Salary
2.8% Unemployment Rate
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