f 터진수박 (Burst Watermelon) :: 'Calculator' 태그의 글 목록

'Calculator'에 해당되는 글 1건


아래 2가지는 대표적인 온라인 계산기입니다. 사용하시기 편하신 계산기로 이용하시면 됩니다.

You can click the each button now!! (It's NOT a Picture!!) 아래 계산기에서 직접 사용하세요. (그림이 아닙니다!!)


Instructions for using the online calculator
Keys function

[ 0 ], [ 1 ], [ 2 ], ... [ 9 ] - standard number keys;
[ 00 ] - key input 2 zeros;
[ → ] - remove the last character on the display;
[ +/- ] - change the mathematical sign of;
[ Xʸ ] - calculation of X to the power of Y;
[ √ ] - calculate the square root;
[ + ] - addition, [ - ] - subtraction, [ х ] - multiplication, [ ÷ ] - division;
[ % ] - calculate interest;
[ M+ ] - stored in the memory with the sign [ + ];
[ M- ] - stored in the memory with the sign [ - ];
[ MR ] - get the contents of memory;
[ MC ] - get the contents of memory;
[ AC ] - reset the last digit of the;
[ C ] - reset the last digit of the.

To use free online calculator you can use both ordinary numeric buttons at the top of a keyboard and numeric buttons on the right of a keyboard.

To enter [ = ] - key [Enter].
To erase the last character - [Backspace] (arrow keys).
To enter [ + ] - key [ + ] at the top or [ + ] key on the numeric keypad on the right.
To enter [ - ] - key [ - ] at the top or [ - ] key on the right.
To enter [ x ] (multiplication) - key [ * ] on the numeric keypad on the right or a combination of keys[ * ] and [ Shift ].
To enter [ ÷ ] (divide) - key [ / ] on the numeric keypad on the right or a combination of keys [ : ] and [ Shift ].

업데이트 된 글 보기 (For more information, visit main hompage) : http://gturl.iptime.org


접속 안될 때 (When you can't access to main homepage) : http://burst-watermelon.blogspot.com

블로그 이미지

Burst Watermelon

교육의 모든 정보,투자,부동산,유용한 정보들
