f 터진수박 (Burst Watermelon) :: '노트패드' 태그의 글 목록

'노트패드'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. TextFX Plugin : This plugin will accelerate when writing programs, particularly HTML and XML, with auto close tag, then you do not need to write the close tag. Very easy for web developer.
  2. Colorpicker : This plug-in function to retrieve the color codes with ease, no need extra other program. I recommend plug-in for you.
  3. ClipboardHelper : With this plugin you can put some spots on the clipboard and retrieve it easily. We know, activity often write code using copy-paste, with this plugin, you will be greatly helped.
  4. Web Font N++
  5. NppColdFusion : If you work with cold fusion script, then this plugin will help you speed up work
  6. NotepadSharp : If you are working with C #, then this plugin is for you.
  7. FunctionList : This plugin will display all the functions of your project.
  8. PyNPP : If you do a lot of work with a python script, then this plugin will help you.
  9. NppSalt : This plugin will help you when working with teams. A file that has been edited by others will be detected by notepad ++
  10. SnippetExecutor : plugin for compiling and executing snippets of code, and providing the output.

Notepad++ download : https://notepad-plus-plus.org/

업데이트 된 글 보기 (For more information, visit main hompage) : http://gturl.iptime.org


접속 안될 때 (When you can't access to main homepage) : http://burst-watermelon.blogspot.com

블로그 이미지

Burst Watermelon

교육의 모든 정보,투자,부동산,유용한 정보들
